Morally responsible investing takes faith into account. Published Oct. 21 2022. Specials. – The Pilot

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When people invest in mutual funds to help them achieve their financial goals, they do so primarily for diversification purposes as they grow their portfolio. Yet investing in morally responsible mutual funds has become increasingly popular as more Americans seek to align their portfolios with their religious beliefs.

Investors who choose Ave Maria Mutual Funds — the largest family of Catholic mutual funds in the U.S. with over $2.5 billion in assets — enjoy an added level of reassurance and comfort. They know there is a moral screening process applied to the companies chosen for smart investment opportunities.

The experienced team at Ave Maria Mutual Funds ensures that all investments are screened to eliminate any company that is engaged in the support of abortion, pornography, or embryonic stem cell research, as well as any company that makes corporate contributions to Planned Parenthood. With its pro-life, pro-family focus, the Ave Maria Mutual Funds provide a vehicle for investors who want to align their investments with their moral beliefs and faith-based values.

Ave Maria Mutual Funds adhere to morally responsible investing guidelines that are established by the Funds’ distinguished Catholic Advisory Board. Board members include legendary football coach Lou Holtz, entrepreneur Tom Monaghan, and Princeton’s Dr. Robby George, among others. The result is a family of six no-load mutual funds with a track record of producing strong investment results and adhering to key pro-life and pro-family values. This compelling and powerful combination is why Ave Maria Mutual Funds, since its inception in 2001, has provided professional investment management to investors across the United States.

The creation of the fund family was the brainchild of Catholic philanthropist Tom Monaghan, the founder, and former CEO of Domino’s Pizza, along with the late Bowie Kuhn, the former commissioner of Major League Baseball. Both men had clear, specific objectives — and they approached another Catholic, George P. Schwartz, with their idea over two decades ago. Schwartz’s long-term track record as an experienced investment professional was well documented.

“We look for investment opportunities first. Only after we’ve done the security analysis do we see if the company has offended any of the moral screens. And if it has, we won’t put that stock into an Ave Maria Mutual Fund portfolio,” says George P. Schwartz, CFA, chairman and CEO of Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc., the investment adviser to the Ave Maria Mutual Funds. “Investors can get good investment results,” says Schwartz, “and they get that without compromising their conscience.”

For a complimentary, no-obligation information kit, including disclosure details, please call 1-866-AVE-MARIA or visit

Important Information for Investors

The adviser invests only in securities that meet the fund’s investment and religious requirements. The returns may be lower or higher than if decisions were based solely on investment considerations. The method of security selection may or may not be successful and the fund may underperform or outperform the stock market as a whole. All mutual funds are subject to market risk, including possible loss of principal. The fund’s investments in small- and mid-capitalization companies could experience greater volatility than investments in large-capitalization companies.

Request a prospectus, which includes investment objectives, risks, fees, charges, expenses, and other information that you should read and consider carefully before investing. The prospectus can be obtained by calling 1-866-283-6274 or online at Distributed by Ultimus Fund Distributors, LLC. 15703580-UFD-09/28/2022.

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